
Driving Range Heroes - VANQUISH Shaft Review
"The first swing (note it was like 30°F on a frozen solid Chicagoland golf course in early February) carried a bunker that I rarely get anywhere near – even in the summer. I had quite a few more th...

Mitsubishi Golf Unveils All-New Premium Lightweight Brand
The golf shaft’s industry leader in premium, lightweight shaft technology, Mitsubishi Chemical Group, today unveiled an all-new lightweight shaft brand: VANQUISH.

Plugged In Golf - Mitsubishi Vanquish Shaft Review
"What immediately grabbed my attention was the speed. From the start, I was at the top end of my recent range. As I got in sync with the Vanquish and put in just a bit of effort, I was 2-3 MPH abov...

Longer & Lighter Driver = More Distance?
A comparison of two drivers – and featuring VANQUISH™ – to see if we can gain clubhead speed, ball speed ultimately more distance with a longer and lighter driver setup.